We advertise two open PhD-positions (BAT IIa/2) within the sub-projects A6 and B5 of the Collaborative Research Center (SFB 607) "Growth and Parasite Defence" funded by the Deutsche Forschungs-gemeinsc haft (DFG) since 1998.
Ambitious candidates with a strong background/interest in modeling approaches, carrying a degree (Diploma/MSc) in Ecology, Botany, Forestry or related disciplines are strongly encouraged to apply. Experience in modeling or model application and statistical evaluation will be advantageous. The successful applicants will use a mechanistic plant simulation model (PLATHO) which has been developed within the SFB 607 during the last 9 years.
The subject of this work is a comprehensive analysis of plant responses to pathogen attack. Within the SFB607 a broad range of host-parasite interactions of woody and herbaceous plants were investigated under different environmental influences. The model PLATHO comprises an allocation module, which can be used to simulate the allocation of resources between growth respectively defence related processes within the plant. This allocation module will be used to identify similarities or differences in resource allocation between the various host-pathogen interactions.
Contact persons:
Prof. Dr. W. Oßwald,
Dr. F. Fleischmann
Tel: 08161-714577,
E-mail: osswald@wzw.tum.de
Position 2 Plant Ecology
The subject of this work is an integrative assessment of cost/benefit relation in woody and herbaceous plants. The central aim is whether carbon allocation in plants follows common principles regarding resource uptake, investments, and maintenance. Data for this integrative study come from experiments within SFB 607 under competition, CO2- and O3-influence. Study plants are beech and spruce as well as various herbaceous plants such as grasses, alfalfa and sunflower.
Contact persons:
Prof. Dr. R. Matyssek,
Dr. Häberle, PD
Dr. T. Grams
Tel: 08161-714575,
E-Mail: matyssek@wzw.tum.de
Department Address:
Technische Universitat Munchen
Department of Ecology
Am Hochanger 13
D-85354 Freising
Website: http://www.sfb607.de
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