- Transnational orders reconstructed, focusing on the nature and origins of processes of internationalisation and globalisation, including the relationship between ‘the west and the rest’, cultural exchange through history, securitization, and alternative futures for ‘developing’ countries.
- Interregional transformations, focusing on both macro-regional processes such as integration within the EU and NAFTA, and sub-national regionalism as processes related to identity, governance, and economic development strategies.
- Global and local identities, focusing on conceptual and empirical studies of globalisation as a complex and conflict-ridden process, and on modern and contemporary challenges to existing socio-economic relations, political actors, entrenched identities and everyday life which are posed by new conceptions of gender, nation, class, and ethnicity.
- Managing interculturalism, focusing on the challenges to private firms and public policy posed by the increasingly transnational nature of production of goods and services, international migration, and the increased cultural creolisation of consumption in large parts of the world, from everyday household goods to exotic tourism experiences.
Applicants must be enrolled in a PhD program and the stay at SPIRIT should be an integral part of their PhD studies.
Practical information
Travel to and from Aalborg as well as a monthly subsistence allowance of DKK 7,000 (approx. EUR 938/US$ 1,270) are covered. Visiting doctoral candidates will be provided with desk space, a personal computer with internet access and access to the Aalborg University Library. In addition PhD candidates will be allocated a personal supervisor during their stay at SPIRIT.
SPIRIT will assist visiting PhD candidates in finding accommodation in Aalborg. Furthermore, Danish language classes are available at Aalborg University free of charge for those interested.
Application Procedure
Applicants are required to fill in the application form and enclose the following documents:
- A letter motivating the choice of SPIRIT as a suitable place to carry out your research.
- Specification of the topic of your PhD project (max. 5 pages).
- An outline of the work which you propose to undertake while based at SPIRIT. Please note that the work must be an integral part of the PhD project (max. 2 pages)
- Research experience, number of years of full-time PhD research, and expected date of award of doctorate.
- Documentation of enrollment in a PhD program
- Supervisor reference(s) (must state that the stay is recognized as an integral part of your PhD project)
- CV
Application Deadline: May 15, 2007 – at noon (GMT) at the latest.
Applicants will be notified of the selection committee’s decision by email no later than June 22, 2007.
Please send your application (preferably via email in one PDF file. References may be sent separately by email, fax or ordinary mail) to:
Ms Julie Skibsted Larsen
(julie (at) ihis.aau.dk)
Aalborg University
Fibigerstraede 2
9220 Aalborg East
Fax: +45-9635-0044
Please visit SPIRIT’s homepage for further information: http://www.ihis.aau.dk/spirit/scholar/visiting_E2007.html
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