Subject to granting we offer a PhD-position at the University Hamburg in the group of M. Martins for experimental studies on the core level spectroscopy of free cluster ions starting from July 1, 2007.
Within a larger collaboration we are setting up a new experiment called PIPE for studies on free ions in the soft x-ray region at the storage ring PETRA III in Hamburg funded by the BMBF. PIPE will offer unique possibilities to study atomic, molecular and cluster ions within an ionic beam using different spectroscopic methods.
Focus of the project will be the analysis of the electronic and geometric structure of core level excited transition metal cluster ions depending on the cluster size,using methods as NEXAFS and EXAFS. The applicant will be responsible for the development and setup of the control and vacuum system of PIPE together with the collaboration partners. The work will furthermore include the modification of a cluster source for experiment with PIPE and the first experiment on free, mass selected metal cluster ions.
We offer a stimulating, international atmosphere with excellent experimental facilities. An application should include a cover letter, a curriculum vitae including certificates, a list of publications, a statement of qualifications relevant for the position, as well as names and complete addresses of two referees and should be send in english or german to:
Dr. M. Martins, Universitaet Hamburg,
Institut fuer Experimentalphysik,
Luruper Chaussee 149,
D-22761 Hamburg, Germany
or by Email ( until June 15, 2007
We are looking for highly motivated physicists or chemists who will pursue the project and develop the required experimental skills. Knowledge in spectroscopic methods, UHV equipment and atomic, molecular or cluster physics are desirable. Experience with synchrotron radiation sources would be appreciated.
Michael Martins
Luruper Chaussee 149
Hamburg, Germany 22761
Fax: +40-40-8998-2179
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